Thursday, April 15, 2010

Baby Wipes

I do believe that baby wipes must be one of the best inventions in our times! Think about it, wipe and throw away. Good for bottoms, hands, and faces. Not only that but today I discovered yet another use for these fab. things. My front door was covered with nasty black stuff and the would be white door was looking a disgusting gray! I'm sure a man would have grabbed the hose and cleaned it right off but since I was dressed to leave I grabbed the BABY WIPES! They did a wonderful one swipe job.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Date Night

I don't have a scripture to post tonight as I had a sweet date night with my husband. He may be far away but he is a creative romantic who makes it seem as if he were sitting right here beside me. Thanks for that wonderful thing called skype too.

All the comments have been very interesting from my posting yesterday! Everyone had excellent thought. Yall led me to want to run a small rabbit trail so to speak. I am going to look into scripture and try to find just what is biblically meant by "two becoming one." I have my own thoughts that are deeply implanted in my head but that sociology background comes out and says research research! So more to come on friendship and biblically becoming one:)

I don't know about other people but my eyes are about to swell right on up into cheese puffs. The pollen is out in full force. I think a light rain shower would be nice! Then I might could think about breathing again.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Friendship in Proverbs

I am reading Proverbs 16:28. (Note: I had to review to make sure but Proverbs was written Solomon and "other wise men." It's purpose seems to be to help the young learn simple lessons and let the "wise men wiser" proverbs 1:4-5). There are many truths in this chapter that could be applied to friendship but for now I am going to try and remain to the verses that speak specifically about friends.

"A perverse man stirs up dissension and a gossip separates close friends." Proverbs 16:28

I've heard this verse many times but the Lord is so wise in what he is trying to tell us. Gossip does separate close friends. It tears them apart and brings a friendship to ruin. When I think of gossip my thoughts go to speaking ill of someone. A group of busy body ladies all grouped up speaking the latest news that had come to town on the rumor mill. But I had a note in my Bible to turn to back in Proverbs to another verse

"A gossip betrays a confidence but a trustworthy man keeps a secret." Proverbs 11:13

So the Lord seems to be telling us that a gossip is also someone who is betraying a specific confidence and not keeping a secret. This has happened to me as I am sure it has happened to all of us at some point and time. My mind wonders to innocent ways of stretching that "confidence." Those of us who are close to our mothers, how many times have we been given something in "confidence" but we run to tell Mom. Oh I know we make it innocent in our minds by thinking that our friend doesn't even know mom, she lives miles away. According to this scripture we are wrong! Same goes for spouses. At times we share a confidence that should have not been spoken, even if our spouse understands mums the word! To be trustworthy wouldn't we have to remain without a word spoken? Be honest, held to the highest standards do we do this? We can gleam and learn a lot from this scripture. A gossip does not just go around spreading the town news. If we share the smallest of confidence than we have to take on the label of gossip. Am I being to hard? That is up for everyone to decide for themselves. As for me, I want to learn and gleam more than just the surface. To dig deeper. To follow even the tough standards. Just my thoughts as I grow in this faith of the Lord.

(oh, how did I pick where to start? the wonderful NIV concordance. Thank you Lord for the blessing of your word and the help man has given in ways to research it!)


Through various events going on in my life at this time my mind has turned to the topic of friendship. I'm a person who opens herself up to all friends and I tend to find myself feeling naked and bruised. I am a person who embraces emotions and feels deeply. I have the ability to be honest about what I am feeling and tend to share too much with others. I know what I want and this tends to make some fearful to voice differences. The sad part is that I really want to embrace differences as it is what makes us interesting and exciting. I am starting to ramble and be well, emotional.
As I was driving today, I started to ponder the thought of how I was feeling far to exposed and naked in some uncomfortable friendships. It came to me that Jesus must have had that feeling numerous times. He would love openly only be feel hurt by many. This led me to think more on the topic of friends. Go to a store and you will find dozens of books on friendships. People talk about not being controlled by friends, the talk about developing healthy friendships, the list goes on and on. I myself have found at different times in my life feeling used and abused by friends and then left to my own devises as they continued on their journey. But what exactly does the Bible say about friends and friendships. How much are we to share with a friend, how close is a good friend to be trusted, how do we accept friends and reject sin, how should we forgive a friend...the list goes on and on in my mind so I decided that I would start researching the Bible on this topic and exploring verse by verse. So here I go on a journey through the Bible to explore the topic of friendship and grow a little more in faith.