Monday, August 2, 2010


For the second time in my life I have hurt someone by being positive. I have a problem with believing that the best thing will happen. It doesn't always. This time I hurt a dear friend by sharing my feelings that what was desired would be attained. Like myself and many others have said, the statement was made that if the hopes had not been raised it wouldn't have hurt as much. If only we had expected the worse the pain would have been less. Is this the attitude we are all suppose to have? I really don't know. Is the pain less when we expect the worse or is it a way to deny feelings exist to those around us. I know I expected the worse when we thought Lyle was going to be deployed. I don't think it lessened my pain. It just helped my keep people at bay in learning my true feelings and thoughts by saying, "oh, I was expecting this to happen." How should we hope when there is something that we really wish to attain? In my devotions, I am learning how the statement, "God will not put more on us than we can bear" is false. This scripture was referring to temptation. Our Sunday school lesson flowed along with my devotions by explaining that God will put burdens on us that we can not bear. It is up to us to ask for his strength to bear them and not carry them with our own strength. I know I got off on a small rabbit trail but here is where I am going with this. Maybe it is ok to hope for things we desire as long as we are willing to except that God's desires may not align? Maybe we have to realize a burden God may give us is not giving us our desires in order to mold us into the shape he wants. This still leaves me with the question what is the Godly way to handle getting our hopes up for things that are desired. I guess we give our desires for ourselves and friends to the Lord and try to balance the feelings somewhere in the middle. I know that I shall be more careful in my excitement for others and not give false encouragement. To give only with the encouragement that God's plan will be best and that is all that needs to be said. These are just thoughts. I don't want to become someone who is always bitter and not positive in the least. I guess I just need to become positive in the Lord's will and not mine and not others.


autumnesf said...

Some pretty deep thoughts indeed.

I always cringe when I see people say that God will not give us more than we can handle. No. God will not give us more than HE can handle. Many people don't ever grasp that.

I agree, it is much easier to expect the worst. Its a pain shield. I do it alot. But God wants us to express our wants and desires. He wants to hear our complaints if they are from the heart. And then he wants us to grow and rely on Him. So much easier to say than to do!

I'm getting a little better in trying to delight in the Lords will when it doesn't agree with my wants. LOL.

I still have so far to go!!

Andysbethy said...

I was teasing! I have got to learn how to put tone of voice in text.
You can not stop encouraging. That would be a crime, and I think against God's directions to you, walking away from your spiritual gifts. I needed you to encourage me, several weeks ago when I had no hope, and yesterday I just needed you to let me be upset at the unfairness of the system. I WAS NOT SERIOUS when I said I was mad at you for getting my hopes up- if I am going to be mad at anyone it will be the military, or perhaps even God. But you don't control either of those things, and I am working hard to not be mad at them.
I will admit that my ability to HOPE it is pretty much shot right now, but my ability to TRUST is standing firm. So, you take care of the hope for me please! I need you for that.