Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

I love Spring! It has finally seemed to make an appearance and with it bring a bit of cheer! My black thumb and I even attempted to plant a few flowers. Lets just hope they are hardy ones or their poor lives will be short lived at my house! It is so nice to open the windows and feel the breeze.

Emily and I saw a bunny sitting in the yard as we returned home from church. She was convinced she could catch it with her butterfly net. We sat there smiling and whispering to each other about how cute he was. These are the days that are so sweet and yet so fleeting. I just wish Lyle was here to share in it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Satan strikes again!

I'm starting to feel like Job or maybe Paul. I don't really know. But if anything else goes wrong I may be rocking back and forth in the corner. lol. The day starts out so well and I feel so good about all the Lord has led me to do. I guess Satan thought I was working too hard for God cause he sat a big ol mountain down in my path this evening!

I had a lady call and demand records from where I had re homed her dog. I had given her the information a long time ago and frankly keeping dog records is not high on my list of important things. I guess I'm just crazy but military records, bills, and so forth seem to take precedence. After a strained conversation and a four hour search (cancelled dinner plans with my neighbors) I finally found the information. This is so not what I needed in my life! People are just nuts! I know we each deem different things as having major importance but sometimes I think people can get a little of the beaten path of sanity.

I need everyone to pray for a blanket of peace to fall over my household. It is a time to focus on Jesus and what he did for me and everyone in this world but it seems like turmoil keeps taking my eyes of the Lord. I just want a peace and some days of quite solitude. I want to be able to write a letter to my husband when I feel wide awake and not dead tired. Please Lord give me that peace that pass all understanding.

Small Helping Hands

It brings joy to have small hands help. Em has gotten old enough to want to help clean. It took 10 minutes to vacuum carpet to usually takes 3 minutes! Who cares! I have all the time in the world. I love to see her desire to help. I just wish I still had that same desire to clean. LOL.

On another note. I am missing a chance of playing my husband at a good old game of checkers. If you are reading this dear, I'm sure I could win!!! But no playing with others to improve your skills! That would not be fair :( Can't wait until R&R. I'll be sure to bring the checkers;( A note of explanation to others, my husband and I have a on going battle in checkers. Neither one of us lose well which makes for very humorous times. Who needs TV and other things! There is so much more life to live.

Little Eyes are Watching

I am reminded how much children watch what we do and not what we say! I admitedly mopped the kitchen for the first time since my hubby left. Yes, I am really bad about spot mopping because I can't stand to do the whole thing! My sweet spouse use to do that job which I always was glad to let him tackle. lol.

The floor had finally gotten to where I could no longer ignore giving it a good cleaning so out came the mop! As I began to mop, I heard Em's voice call, "NO MOMMA, That's Daddy's job!" Wow! Who would have ever thought she had noticed such a small thing. As we talked about how sweet Daddy was to help Mommy by mopping floor's in the house, I thought about how our actions are really what shapes are children. My husband and I share responsiblities. We try not to label work gender specific. We just do what fits best and share the work. Usually we work side by side so that we can enjoy time together. As I think back, that is what I saw my parents model and his parents model the same. It makes me realize that what we model for her, is probably what she will expect for in a mate. What a responsibilty the Lord has given us a parents! I'm so glad He walks beside us and helps to instruct us along the way!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Busy Days

I am so thankful for busy days! Last week was so busy that almost every night I would literally collapse into bed. It may sound funny to be thankful for these weeks but it helps to pass the time. The week flew by. Once again I have a busy week ahead. I have to put it in high gear with the day I wasted. I am excited about Easter and helping Em know that it is not just about Easter eggs! What a joy to share these things. What treasures to give them. I saw a craft where you take the inner part of the egg out and leave the shell to represent the tomb being empty. I thought that was really neat. I hope I can really get it to work!

I have been over every place I can think of to look for a little cat. Looks like he is going to have to have a memorial and then a replacement. Sad times for my little girl. She keeps saying, "I'm worried about my baby." I think she really wants a puppy replacement but a cat is so much easier! That puppy will have to wait on Daddy. I know the replacement will not come from the pound! I found you are required to make the cat an inside cat if you adopt from them. It isn't any wonder that people don't get animals from the pound! They have so many new requirements. I love cats and ours stays in our garage with the freedom to roam. When did it become a thing to tell people how to do every little thing. agh

I think it is time for bed with the busy days ahead! I hope everyone who reads this is having good busy days.

Potty Sucess!

We had two major potty events! I feel like a celebration tonight. Em made it through church in big girl panties!!!! No accidents. What a victory. She was so proud of herself. I am so thankful for a nursery staff willing to take them to potty. The next accomplishment was today. She only had one accident all day long. We seem to be on a roll. I feel like dancing. She even earned her prize for having 5 hearts on her chart. (She has been trying to earn a prize for 2 weeks!)

On a funny note. We use a chart to help her feel rewarded when she uses the potty. She puts stickers on for her achievements. We were at church using the children's potty in the nursery when she looks up at me and says "do they have a chart here?" I guess she thinks charts belong everywhere!

Satan's Tricks

I remembered today the power Satan can have over us if we let him. I allowed him to take my focus off of the things I had planned to accomplish for the Lord today. I had lofty plans. Plans for good and plans to glorify the Lord. I let a angry letter consume my day. Wow...why did I do that? All I did was dwell on anger and frustration instead of focusing on the Lord. Satan can come at us from places we would never expect! All he desires is to take our focus off of glorifying the Lord. Why do I still fall for his tricks? I am reminded of how the Lord was tempted by the devil. How he had victory over his many tricks. I am thankful for a loving Father who convicts us and still forgives us when we fall for the tricks of Satan. Thankful for his saving grace! What a wonderful thing to remember this Easter week. At the same time, what a bitter thought to remember that it was my sin that helped to put Jesus up on that cross. What a love He has for us. I don't mean to gush but just the thought that he forgives us every time and still loves us still amazes me. I hope I never forget to be amazed.

A friend and I were talking how this seems to be a year that Christians are growing in spiritual strength. I really feel that we could experience a revival. Maybe not a revival of the country but of the hearts of those who already know Him. I remember a pastor once reminding us that revival has to start within His church. Revival really does have to begin within the Christian heart. I am finding more and more people in earnest who seek to really KNOW God. How I want to know Him. How I want to grow. It may be a painful process that requires us to go through dark places but to be drawn closer to our maker is just a wonderful privilege!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pouring Rain

It seems to have been pouring rain on me this week! Things have been going wrong. Lost friendships. Jobs that seem to be impossible. No place to feel like I "belong. A lost cat.

I can't stand to have friendships turn sour and usually I am a very patient and understanding person. I have found that with my best friend and comforter away that I have less patients for "foolishness." Don't get me wrong, this does not diminish my love for my friends. I think it just makes me more protective of myself and emotions. I don't have the strength to allow myself to be as open to being hurt. I find that I must keep things that cause more emotional turmoil away. I struggle with "being there" for people like I have always been but at the same time I find myself in need of having people "be there" for me. I'm also finding that people willing to take the time to actually be a true friend are few and far between! This is a hard and rocky path the Lord has chosen me to walk. I am reminded that he actually knows how I feel. In His hour of need, they fled from His side! Wow! What a thought, though what I am going through no where near compares it is wonderful to know that HE does understand and has walked this path before me.

My impossible jobs is a bit more humorous. I have to now take care of the lawn. A job always left up to hubby! I am not the outdoors type! Yesterday, I push mowed my entire lawn....because I don't know how to use the riding lawn mower. Plus, I think it may be broken. I can't really remember what hubby said before he left about that monster of a thing. Now you must understand that my front yard is a hill! I do mean a hill and it did feel uphill both ways! But I did accomplish my mission. ARMY STRONG. Wives are soldiers too in my humble opinion. Now I have to get the paving stones somehow laid so that we can stop bringing in mud from the yard! Oh the joys. I also need to figure out how to burn all the trash but I think that will wait cause I really don't won't to meet our fire department. lol. I have to admit a sense of pride that I did get it done but I will gladly give this job back to hubby upon return!

I am also struggling to find "where I belong" at church. It is strange to go without my spouse. Strange to try to figure out where to sit. I have never really "fit in" at my church but for some reason God has placed my family there at this time in our lives. It is hard to feel out of place and alone. I was reminded today both in Sunday School and in church that I was not alone. God is with me and the hard times is what he uses to help shape my life. This is an encouragement but oh the growing pains still hurt! I want to scream, "I'm tired of growing!" Just let me rest!

Finally, I can't believe I have gotten attached to our cat! He has been missing since Tuesday and I think I have taken it harder than our little girl. She just wants a new kitten. I keep thinking, how can I replace the sweetest cat ever! He use to sit on my shoulder and watch me paint furniture in the garage. He came when called! He was my hubby's cat!!! I even had him microchiped and now he is gone! I have the curse of hoping too much and too long. I keep hoping he will return....but I think deep down I know He is gone. It just doesn't seem fair!

What a week! To many things happening all at once! I'm hoping for a happier week. I'm tired of tears and I'm ready to laugh.........

Monday, March 8, 2010

Frustrated Mom

I have had a very frustrating week with Doctors. I am not a person who likes to go to the doctor and I try to keep from taking my child for every little thing. Half the time we go to the pediatrician we come out with more than what we went in with! Em has been sick off and on for the past week. We came home from a trip and she was having large amounts of diarrhea. Because of it's frequency and lack of other symptoms, I called to get a appointment with her pediatrician. I was told they were not making same day appointments but I could talk to a nurse. The nurse put me off like I was a uneducated worried mother who was taking up her precious time and did not take me seriously. I was told if she did not get better to bring her in. She seemed to get better and now here we go again. It has started all over again! I was dismissed by her doctor for my concern and what I thought it could possibly be. I am tried of being treated like a mother who overreacts when they don't even bother to look at my record to see that we never come to the doctor. REGARDLESS I think that they should take the time to listen and take care of the children they have in the practice. If the practice is too large, then STOP accepting new patients. Now I am wondering if I should change pediatricians, the only problem is that there are very few in this area who are worth taking your child to. I guess I am just a frustrated mom.